Unit 3 Vocabulary

Key phrases are highlighted in yellow

Tricks to help remember the definition are provided in pink (feel free to use mine or create your own) 

Cell Cycle=The life cycle of a cell that consists of its growth, copying of DNA, and reproduction of new cells.

Cell Theory=All organisms are made up of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of life, all cells come from other existing cells.

Cell Membrane=A semi-permeable protective layer that covers the cells surface; it controls the movement of particles in and out of the cell.

Cell Wall=A rigid structure that gives support and shape to a cell; only found in plant cells.

Chloroplast=An organelle found only in plant cells; contains chlorophyll which is able to capture sunlight, use it for photosynthesis and make food for the plant. trick to help remember: chlorophyll = chloroplast

Chromosomes=In eukaryotic cells, one of the structures in the nucleus that is made up of DNA and protein; in prokaryotic cell, the main ring of DNA.

Cytoplasm=The gelatin-like fluid that is constantly flowing inside a cell; it's functions are to keep the cell moist and allow chemical reactions to take place.

Endoplasmic Reticulum=An organelle made up of folded membranes whose functions include making proteins, lipids, and processing other materials; acts as an internal delivery system of the cell.

Eukaryote=Organisms whos cells have a nucleus and other organelles.

Golgi Complex (bodies)=An organelle that packages and distributes proteins; modifies proteins that are made then sends them to the correct place within the cell.

Lysosomes=An organelle that is responsible for destroying worn or damaged organelles, getting rid of waste material, and protecting the cell from foreign invaders.  Lysol is a cleaner and Lysosomes "clean" by getting rid of waste

Mitochondria=An organelle that makes energy for the cell by breaking down sugars into energy; site of cellular respiratoin. mighty mitochondria" a "mighty" person has lots of energy.

Meiosis=A process in cell division during which the number of chromosomes decreases to half the original number by two divisions of the nucleus, resulting in the production of sex cells the word Meiosis has an "e"...meiosis has to do with producing sex cells...the word "sex" has the letter "e".

Mitosis=In eukaryotic cells, a process of cell division that forms two nuclei, each of which has the same number of chromosomes. the word Mitosis has a "t" and this process forms "two" nuclei.  The word two also has a "t".

Nucleus=A membrane-bound organelle that contains the cell's DNA and has a role in the process such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction; controls all cell activity; the cell's "control center"

Organelle=The structures inside a cell that perform unique functions.

Prokaryote=Organisms whose cells DO NOT contain a nucleus or many organelles. Pro = No (as in NO nucleus)

Ribosome=The smallest organelle in a cell; makes proteins. Ribs are meat and meat is protein, so ribosomes make protein.

Semi-permeable=Only allowing certain molecules to pass in, while others are kept out.

Vacuole=An organelle that stores water and other excess material not needed by the cell. A vacuum has a big bag that sucks up and stores material.  The vacuole also stores material.