Disease Vocabulary (Chapter 27)


The following vocabulary words are from Chapter 27, p708-721

Noninfectious disease:  a disease that cannot spread from one individual to another (ex: cancer, hemophelia, other genetic disease)

Infectious disease:  a disease that is caused by a pathogen and that can be spread from one individual to another

Pathogens:  a microorganism, another organism, a virus, or a protein that causes disease.

Immunity:  The ability to resist or recover from an infectious disease

Pasteurization:  A method of using heat to kill bacteria (milk is pasteurized)

Immunity:  The abilty to reseis or recover from an infectious disease.

Antibiotic:  A substance that can kill bacteria or slow the growth of bacteria (note:  Antibiotics do NOT work on viruses.  Antibiotics can only kill living things)

Immune System:  The cells and tissues that recognize and attack foreign substances in the body.

Macrophage:  An immune system cell that engulfs pathogens and other materials

T-cell:  An immune system cell that coordinateds the immune system and attacks many infected cells

B cell:  A white blood cell that makes anitbodies

Antibody:  A protein made by B cells that binds to a specific antigen.

Allergy:  A reaction to a harmless or comon substance by the bodies immune system

Autoimmune disease:  A disease in which the immune system attacks the organism's own cells (ex:  rheumatiod arthritis, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupis)

Cancer:  A disease in which the cells begin dividing at an uncontrolled rate and become invasive.