Unit 1 Vocabulary


 The following are the vocabulary words from our 1st unit:

LIFE SCIENCE=The study of living things.  The science that deals with all forms of life, including their classification, physiology, chemistry, and interactions. 

LIFE SCIENTIST=Someone who studies living things.  Example:  Microbiologist, Zoologist, Botonist, Animal Behaviorist, Environmentalist.

MODEL=A representation of an object or a system

THEORY=An explanation that ties together many related facts, observations, and tested hypothesis.  A theory "stands the test of time".  Example : Theory of Evolution or Theory of Relativity

LAW=A science idea that rarely changes.  Example:  Newton's Law's of Motion, Law of Gravity

OBSERVATION=A skill that involves the use of one or more of the senses-sight, hearing, smell, and sometimes taste to gather information and collect data.

EXPLANATION =An interpretation of  an observation that is based on prior knowledge.  An inference.

CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT=Tests only 1 factor at a time and consists of a control group and 1 or more experimental group

CONTROL=The "normal" circumstance or non-treated situation in your experiment. 

HYPOTHESIS=A possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question.  Must be testable. 

VARIABLE=A factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE=The variable that the researcher changes on purpose to see how it will affect the experiment's outcome.  This is the variable YOU manipulate. 

DEPENDENT VARIABLE= The variable that responds to your manipulation.  This is the variable the you measure at the end of an experiment.

COLLABORATION=Working together.  Scientists communicating with one another by discussing ideas, brainstorming, and deciding on an answer or a plan.

SCIENTIFIC METHOD=The way scientists follow steps to answer questions and solve problems.  The steps may involve any or all of the following:  Ask a question, Make an Observation, Form a Hypothesis, Test the Hypothesis, Analyze the Results, Draw Conclusions, Communicate the Results.

MEAN=The average of a set of numbers